
Horizontal Glass Cleaning and Drying Machine for Insulating Glass



1.It is used for cleaning and drying glass with 3-12mm in thickness.

2.Equipped with frequency conversion and adjustable speed device

3.Cleaning part is made of stainless steel with antisepsis, anti-abrasion and durability.

4.It has features of easy operation and stability.


Technique parameter

1.Voltage: 380V 50HZ                                                

2.Total power:7.5KW                

3.Glass thickness: 3-12mm                                        

4.Roller motor :0.37

5.Worktable height:800mm                                         

6.Brush motor:1.1KW

7.Fan motor:1.5KW                                                      

8.Water pump motor:0.37KW

9.Check light motor:28W                                              

10.Heating tube motor:4KW

11.Max process glass size:2000X1600mmXW)    

12.Min process glass size:420X420mm(LXW)




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