
Full-Auto Vertical Insulating Glass Flat-Press Production Line



1.It can produce the double glazing with same size,the double glazing with different size, three-layer insulating glass,and the abnormity insulating glass as well.

2.Recognition system for Low-E and other coated glass, three pairs of brushes for Low-e glass and other coated glass

3.PLC control the whole process as temperature,speed,production amount etc.

4.Equipped with touch screen

5.Automatic  frequency conversion for the whole process to save time and improve production efficiency


Technique parameter

1.Input Voltage: 380V 50HZ                               

2. Total Power:26.5KW

3.Max process glass size:2200×3000mm           

4.Min process glass size:400×280mm

5.Glass thickness:3-18mm                                  

6.Working speed:8-48mm/min




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